Born Again Dreamer

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Will Power of Spirit Empowered?

Will power...have you ever really examined what that phrase suggests? We often hear others suggest that if we have the will power we can achieve anything. It makes me wonder if such a thing could be true? Can I really achieve anything with determination and will power? Many experts say that I can, and for that matter many well-meaning friends and family members tell me I can too. So, if that is the case, why do I often fail or fall short of attaining the goals I've set out to achieve? Did my will power fail? Am I weak?
The answer to both these questions is a resounding yes! I fail and I'm weak; not a terribly encouraging thought, Olympic victory yellbut nevertheless a reality. I've found that when we believe we are strong enough, good enough, determined enough, dedicated enough or smart enough to conquer our own battles, we are setting ourselves up for a very disappointing encounter with our human nature. You see, we don't possess the power to do great things apart for Christ's Spirit. We may use will power to motivate us to begin something like a fitness plan or to give up something such as smoking or overeating, but if we fail to invite the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to accomplish these goals, we've left out the most critical aspect of success.

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