Born Again Dreamer

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 1 Faith

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.

Isaiah 54:10



How my heart was aching when You pierced it early this morning with conviction! All that my life is about…but to what end? Nothing! It's all worthless without love. Oh Father! Save me! Save us! Please, hear my cry, Abba Father! I am a miserable, wretch; ruins, never to be rebuilt, if those I love receive suffering and neglect as their heritage, instead of goodness and love. Please Lord, I am such a sinner, mine is a deceitful and wicked heart! How much more evil…I discover every day! If I had the power to slay the wickedness inside my heart… how I would. But I am powerless it seems for lengths at a time, until finally, You have mercy on me and faithfully bring me back in. I view the results from the actions of my sinful heart; the reality slices my own throat open and I feel as if I want to die; how can one who is to love do such things, or not do such things? Sins of omission. What I want is to be pleasing to You! To do what is good and right! To be so full of You, there isn't any room for my evil, selfish desires! Please, I beg You; crowd me out of my own heart! My only hope, my only solace, is that You are patient and kind to those who don't deserve it, and You fulfill your promises regardless of my inadequacy. Truly You are a glorious King, and I bow before you and ask for your forgiveness, grace and mercy. What a blessed daughter I am.


1 comment:

Michael Lantz said...

That was very beautiful prayer.I wish that I could pray that prayer.I am proud to be a son of god.I know that it is a sturggle to stay in the word of God,that is one of the reasons why I blog.