Born Again Dreamer

Monday, November 9, 2009



Before I fell asleep last night, I was overcome with fear of the world…not my norm…yet it was surprisingly strong. I was thinking about the walls outside the church desperately needing You and how I know You have sent us all really, but currently a prevalent theme in me, and I was struck with this awful fear of persecution from people. Having thoughts about the sweet spirit, the receptive spirit of Your people that I am surrounded by and their hunger to know You, but that as You send me further and further into the world some will vehemently oppose the message of You that I bring, even hating me. And suddenly this fear sunk into my stomach, this fear of my inability to face such hatred and how I would surely fail.


During my study of You first thing today, a soldier in Christ sent me a text with this verse.


Phil 1: 12-30

A beautiful answer to all my fears last thing before I fell asleep. You are so faithful Father! Thank you for your obedient beautiful children, and the immediacy of Your responses to my needs.

Phil 1: 27-28

...then I will know that you will stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together with one accord for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those that oppose you.



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