Born Again Dreamer

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Roosevelt Hunter

I post this in remembrance of Roosevelt Hunter, one of the most incredible men of God I've have ever had the privilege of seeing preach. I never met him, I've never said a word to him, yet he has said so very many penetrating things to me! God spoke through Roosevelt in such a dynamic and passionate way, that truly, you knew the presence of God was with this man. The deep love that Roosevelt had for God was so inspiring, so profound, that although I never met him, he has had a permanent impact on me. He was funny, compassionate, filled with Gods Word, he was an significant conduit for the Living Water, which Jesus poured out on all present, as Roosevelt preached and taught, sharing his unique and intense adoration of Jesus with others. So clearly saturated with devotion to Jesus and the work of the Lord, totally committed to his life's purpose, filled with love for all people; a true servant of the Lord. Jesus Christ was his best friend, his Master, Savior, and King, and this love he expressed for Jesus left others with a burning desire to fall in love with Christ the way Roosevelt obviously was. I will be forever grateful to the Lord for allowing me the privilege of loving Roosevelt as a brother in Christ, and for giving me a tangible witness of one who loved Jesus in an all encompassing ardor which I aspire to emulate. I love Jesus...and most people that know me, know I love Him; but EVERYONE knew Roosevelt loved Christ. Roosevelt just oozed the presence of the Holy Spirit. His absence from my church family, where he has been coming to preach for the last 16 years will be immensely missed by all. For me, the magnitude and depth which I personally have been impacted by Roosevelt, can be easily said to be one of the momentous gifts I've ever received from the Lord. So Jesus I thank you, I worship you, and in honor of Roosevelt, I ask you to fill my spirit with the zeal and passion to love you and work for you like a "Roosevelt Hunter".


melmj said...

Praying for you as you feel the absence and honor the memory of one who has meant so much to you in your walk with Christ. I think this is the kind of legacy I would love to leave behind someday! Thanks for sharing!

Coach Lisa Osborn said...

Thanks so much for your kind words. I too pray that I might reach into others lives, effecting them as God would allow. It really is very humbling to witness that kind of love and compassion for others, as well as for Jesus. The Lord is perfect and loving, but people...well they can be a little more difficult! lol I think that is one of the reasons Roosevelt was so inspiring and beautiful; his love for people clearly came from the Father and it was powerful and extremely moving to experience. Did you know Roosevelt?